15 August 2012

Make Facebook Work for your Business


I have recently signed up for the Facebook app Mywebees, it enables you to add a website to your Facebook page and promises to increase your visibility and get more likes for your page. 
I have used the app to put my Etsy shop onto Facebook, take a look here: http://apps.facebook.com/Mywebees/deejavu-FreeVersion/

It's very easy to set up, and if you use their 'like to get likes' philosophy you will get additional likes to your page, hence, a wider audience . . . . not a bad idea. Basically you can select and like as many of the businesses who have signed up, in turn other members will like your page.

I have been very selective about who I have chosen to like, but I have gained more likes than I have given and seem to have increased traffic to my site (of course this may not be down to this application at all). I haven't found any disadvantages, so if you are looking to increase hits on your site it may be worth a look.

To register just click on my link above and then select the 'powered by mywebees' logo at the top of the page.

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